Supply Chain and Logistics Discussion
C-Suite Status Still Eluding Most Business Supply Chain Executives
Big companies have long been aware that supply chain expertise is needed in the boardroom for a thorough grasp of all business operations. Smaller companies are now catching on as well. Nevertheless, it is still rare to find a Chief Supply Chain Officer seated at the...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Is it on Your Supply Chain Agenda?
Is Corporate Social Responsibility on Your 2019 Supply Chain Agenda? Gartner's decision in 2017, to add corporate social responsibility to its criteria for judging the world's top 25 supply chain organisations was a clear indication that CSR has become much...

Why Supply Chain Needs a Seat at the Boardroom Table
Why Smart Companies Bring Supply Chain Into the Boardroom While it has become more common in recent years to see the title Chief Supply Chain Officer on a company hierarchy, the role rarely reports directly to the CEO and is likely to be denied a place at the C-Suite...

6 Tips To Keep the WMS Implementation Gremlins Away
The usual causes of mischievous and disruptive WMS implementation gremlins are poor product or vendor selection and improperly managed implementation projects. Of course, few WMS implementation projects are without some teething issues, but with the right approach,...

How Secure is Your Supply Chain Technology?
Thanks to 21st Century technology, companies and businesses of any size can take advantage of far-reaching supply chains, and continued advances will continue to make it easier to do so. In terms of security though, galloping technology development can be considered...

When Suppliers Become Bankers: The Trend in Supplier Payment Extension
Supplier payment extension, a practice that found favour among sales and manufacturing companies during the 2008/2009 recession, has never gone away. No longer is it about survival during a financial crisis though. Instead, extending payment terms has become a popular...